The osrm
package is an interface between R and the OSRM API. OSRM is a routing service based on OpenStreetMap data.
This package allows computing shortest paths and travel time matrices between points.
A brief overview of osrm
package functions:
Get travel time matrices between points.osrmViaroute
Get travel time and travel distance between two points.osrmViarouteGeom
Get the travel geometry between two points.
This package relies on the use of a running OSRM service (tested with version 4.9.0 of the OSRM API).
By default this service is the OSRM public API (API usage policy). It is possible to use a different server if you want to make intensive use of the API.
Here is a short example of osrm
usage (download data here):
library(osrm) # to get paths between points
library(cartography) # to plot a base map
library(rgdal) # to import/export shapefile
# import a shapefile
letter <- readOGR(dsn="/home/tg/Bureau/", layer = "R")
# get OpenStreetMap tiles on the region
mytiles <- getTiles(spdf = letter, type = "osm")
# # export the plot
# # get size of the figure
# sizes <- getFigDim(spdf = letter, width = 474, mar = c(0,0,0,0))
# png("/home/tg/Bureau/R.png", width = sizes[1], height = sizes[2])
plot(letter, col = NA)
tilesLayer(mytiles, add=T)
# plot the points
plot(letter, add=T, pch = 20, col = 'blue', cex = 2)
# Create a SpaTialLinesDataFrame of all the roads
df <- data.frame(coordinates(letter))
names(df) <- c("X", "Y")
df$id <- 1:nrow(df)
for (i in 1:(nrow(df)-1)){
road <- osrmViarouteGeom(src = df[i,3:1],
dst = df[i+1,3:1],
sp =TRUE)
if (exists("myroads")){
myroads <- rbind(myroads, road)
myroads <- road
# and plot it
plot(myroads, col = "red", lwd = 2, add=TRUE)
mtext("Data: OpenStreetMap & contributors, ODBl; routes: OSRM",
side = 1, line = -1, adj = 0, cex = 0.8, font = 2)
# # export the road layer
# writeOGR(obj = myroads, dsn="/home/tg/Bureau",
# layer = "myroads", driver = "ESRI Shapefile")
The next version of the package (now on GitHub) will allow SpatialPointsDataFrames as inputs of the functions.
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Timothée Giraud (12 février 2016). Shortest Paths and Travel Time from OpenStreetMap with R. R Géomatique. Consulté le 7 septembre 2024 à l’adresse
Bonsoir , je travaille sur cette problématique mais je veux changer le pays , travailler sur la tunisie par exemple , si j”exécute en utilisant un autre shapefile il y aura des problémes !!
qui pourra m’ aider ?
Le package osrm utilise l’API d’OSRM (Open-Source Routing Machine – qui elle-même utilise les données OpenStreet Map.
Si vous considérez que les données OpenStreet Map sur la Tunisie sont correctes/suffisantes, vous pourrez utilisez osrm sur la Tunisie. Pour vous aidez vous pouvez vous baser sur les différents billets portant sur osrm (